Using ColdScrape

How to get started with ColdScrape.


This guide is to help you understand how the ColdScrape platform works so you can get better results.

What does ColdScrape do?

ColdScrape helps you find the contact information (email & phone number) for businesses in any niche in any location.

How to use ColdScrape?

Do you need to find business leads in a specific niche?

ColdScrape can help with that!

You will type in a search term, select a location and enter how many businesses you want to find with at least one email address, ColdScrape will go and find all the data that matches your search criteria.

Cold Email Use Case

Lets say I run a website development agency who builds high quality websites for plumbers, and I am in need of new clients. I would use ColdScrape to search for all the plumbers in my city. ColdScrape will return all of the plumber businesses with valid contact emails and phone numbers. This way I can download of the email addresses and upload into my cold email platform to send out.

Lead Generation Workflow Explained

With ColdScrape you can search for businesses in any niche/industry, in any location on planet and the platform will find all available contact information associated with businesses that match that criteria.

Here is an example flow of how it all works:

  1. You create a new "Campaign".

  2. Inside that campaign you have "Searches".

  3. Each "Search" is a specific keyword and location.

  4. There will be multiple "Search Results" in each "Search".

  5. Each "Search Result" is a business with at least one "Contact".

  6. A "Contact" is an email address that has been found to be associated with that businesses website.

  7. There can be multiple "Contacts" in each business "Search Result".

  8. Export all the "Contacts" into a CSV

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