Email Newsletter Ideas

Create Excitement

  • Contest Announcement

  • Giveaway Winner

  • Exciting News

  • “Meet the Team”

  • Reasons to Celebrate

  • Hot Industry Trends

  • New Product Releases

  • New Services Added

  • Newly Acquired Business Partner (Staff)

  • Go On A Video Rant

  • Share a letter from your staff or team

  • Spotlight Someone Who You Feel is an Except

  • Create Another Freebie

  • Company Stories

  • Share Story About a Local Trip

  • Introduce Your List to New Ideas

  • Rebranding Announcement

  • Graphic Design Changes


  • Share a “How-To-” Video

  • Industry Buzzwords (Industry Jargon)

  • Top Secrets to X

  • Educational Blog Articles

  • Personalized Guide

  • Audio Training

  • Myth Buster

  • Industry Updates

  • Share an actionable idea

  • Introduce New Concepts

  • Curate Content From Other Creators

  • Share Lessons You Learned

  • Share things other industry experts won’t care within your niche

  • Outline Your Companies Process

Traffic Boosters

  • Share a Blog Post

  • Share Social Media Post

  • Share Podcast Clip

  • Give YouTube Video Link

  • Share Mentioned Article

  • Share Relevant Social Media Links

  • Share Promo Video

  • Press Mention

  • Share Your Facebook Group

Relationship Builders

  • The Biggest Mistake I made

  • Funny Meme List

  • Monthly Recap

  • Company Updates

  • Favorite Niche Leaders

  • Company Milestones

  • Q&A

  • Surveys

  • Holiday Emails

  • Customer Rewards Program

  • Zoom Recording with Customer

  • Share Case Study

Social Proof

  • Video Testimonials

  • Guest Posts

  • Roundup Blog Post (A blog post with yourself and other niche leaders)

  • Interview Mentions

  • Instagram LIVE Clips

  • Tweets From Industry Leaders

  • Local News About Your Business

  • User Generated Content

  • Collab Social Media Post

  • Business Credentials

  • Influencer's Testimonial

Engagement Boosters

  • Niche Related Crossword Puzzle

  • Fill in the Blanks

  • Niche Related Book List

  • Niche Related Podcast List

  • New Sale

  • Behind the Scenes

  • Exclusive Product Reviews

  • List Appreciate Rewards

  • Start a Conversation

  • Go in-depth with a story

  • Share a Coupon or Discount

  • Local Event Announcement

Last updated