
A new "search" is when you enter in a business type and a location.

A new "search" is when you enter in a business type and a location. (ex. Plumbers in San Jose, CA)

Starting a new "search" involves entering in a business category and location, for example "Plumbers in San Jose, CA." This process ensures that the final search results are relevant businesses within your defined parameters.

👉 NOTE: There may be multiple contact emails in a single search result. In cases where multiple emails are discovered, we provide all identified emails at no additional cost.


This is the main keyword you are using to search for businesses. For example if you are looking for plumbers then you would search for the keyword 'plumber'.

Google has over 4,000 different unique business categories in Google which is a good place to find ideas of what ot search.

Maximum Search Results (Businesses)

Enter in a number of search results (businesses) you want this particular search to look for. After the system finds the number of businesses it will stop searching.

This is to ensure that your account will only search for the number of search results you enter.

Location (City or State)

This is a location selector. So you start typing the area where you want to search and it will show you the locations that the system has a match for.

In the graphic below you can see how there are two different searches for different areas which yielded multiple results.

Last updated