Connect Stripe

This will show you how to connect ColdScrape to your Stripe Account.

New Stripe Connection

In order to resell SaaS subscriptions to your clients you need to connect your Stripe account to ColdScrape.

You only have to complete this once.

Click the "Here" button to begin the process.

You will be taken to Stripe where you will be prompted to login to your existing account or create a new account.

Existing Stripe Users

If you already have an existing login to Stripe - use that one! It will make everything easier down the road.

When you sign in to your existing Stripe account, Stripe and ColdScrape will work together in the background to create a new account in your existing Stripe account.

If this is your first time doing this, don't worry, this is pretty standard when using the Stripe Connect feature.

After you create the connection between your white labeled version of ColdScrape and Stripe, you can login to Stripe to see the new account which should look something like this:

New Stripe Users

If you are creating a new Stripe account for the very first time, you will need to add all of your business information and banking information into Stripe. ColdScrape does not see or have access to any of this information, it is all processed by Stripe Connect.

After you have entered in all of your information, you will see a similar drop down as the one above.

Important Info About Stripe

After you have connected your Stripe to ColdScrape, it is important that you create and edit all of your subscription products inside the ColdScrape platform.

If you create products, subscriptions or links directly inside of Stripe and then send to customers to purchase - it will not work.

So be sure to do all of your creating, editing and deleting of subscription products, only inside your ColdScrape dashboard.

Last updated