Custom Domain

This page will help walk you through the process of connecting your custom domain name to the ColdScrape platform so you can white label it as your own.

Add Your Domain

  1. Think of a subdomain to use for your version of the ColdScrape platform. Most people will use something like "" or "", but this can be anything you want.

  2. After you have selected a subdomain to use enter it into the ColdScrape platform and click next.

  3. Go to wherever you purchased your domain name (HostGator, Namecheap, etc.)

  4. Click into the advanced DNS settings for your domain name.

  5. Create a new A record typing in your subdomain name like "app" or "leads" and by pasting in the value

It should look something like this:

Launch Your Custom Domain

  1. Save your new DNS settings.

  2. Inside ColdScrape click save and wait for the connection to be made between ColdScrape and your new subdomain name.

  3. After the domain has been connected you will see a green Success message with a link for you to login to your new white labeled SaaS.

Last updated