How to Sell ColdScrape

If you are an agency who works with businesses who need leads you can sell ColdScrape as your own SaaS and create another recurring revenue stream.

Because the value proposition is so simple, it's very easy to have businesses understand the value and realize that they are also in need of this SaaS.

Reselling "Lead Generation" to Others

Generate New Leads

Use ColdScrape to find new leads to contact

Contact New Leads

When you cold call, cold email or walk into a business cold, your goal should be to "sell the meeting". The first touchpoint should provide the prospect value up front with the promise of more value if they hop on a quick call with you over Zoom.

Forcing the "aha" Moment

It is important to showcase the value of the platform as quickly as possible. This way the prospect will see how it can benefit them and will be more likely to take action quicker.

Getting the Sale

After showcasing the value of the platform it is important to work off of that hype to position your exclusive offer. This way you

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